Sunday, January 26, 2020
Kotters Eight Step Change Management Model Management Essay
Kotters Eight Step Change Management Model Management Essay Change is the word that best described of the modern societies and culture. Change occurred in almost every aspects of life. Change presses us out from our comfort zone. People changed in their life to avoid stagnation and to improve their quality of life and become a better person. This is also true in business where the rapid change in technologies, the way of doing things, advances in information technologies, internal and external pressures, e-business and globalization creates a competitive environment in most organization in order to survive and to be relevant. How business react, operate and adapt to any changes determine the survivability of the company. In organization, change is necessary but often proves to be challenging. To guide a change (managing a change process) may be the greatest test for the leader of the organization especially when there is resistance. Therefore to lead a change is essential but difficult (Kotter 2007). The successfulness on implementing change in an organization requires a series of phase, a correct tools and proper planning. Palmer, Dunford and Akin (2009) quoted that Changing organizations is as messy as it is exhilarating, as frustrating as it is satisfying, as muddling-through and creative a process as it is a rational one (p. 1). On the other hand, Lean Six Sigma or Lean thinking has been widely accepted and adoptable tool for improving organizational performance. The thinking provides a method to do more with less without jeopardizing the quality, cost and delivery and at the same time meeting customers requirements. Less means less effort, less equipment, less time, less cost, less space and eliminating all sources of wastes in the process. Developed as a production systems eliminating wastes in the Toyotas manufacturing plant in 1960s, now lean thinking evolving across countries and industries as a management approach that improves all processes at each level of the organization. However, in realities, many organizations are not able to transform themselves to lean organization and unable to get the benefit out of it. Transformation initiatives towards the lean organization are full with challenges and resistances. Many companies that promote lean thinking, even those undertaken with the best intention are often destined to a failure due to its unsuccessful execution (Jeyaraman 2010). There are a lot of resistance factors and mostly can be divided into human and non-human factor. From Langstrand et al. (2012) In a member survey, the Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI) found that more than 36% of the respondents attributed change failure to middle management resistance. Along with employee resistance and supervisor resistance, these were considered three of the four most significant obstacles to implementing lean (LEI, 2007). According to (Norani 2011) lean transition requires emergent strategy and he suggested that among all the emergent change approaches, Kotters Eight-Step Change Management Model is one of the best-known change management model. Kotter (1996) suggested Eight-Step Change Management Model as shown on Table 1.1. Table 1.1: Kotters Eight-Step Change Management Model Step 1 Establishing a Sense of Urgency Step 2 Creating the Guiding Coalition Step 3 Developing A Vision And Strategy Step 4 Communication the Change Vision Step 5 Empowering Employees for Broad-Based Action Step 6 Generating Short-Term Wins Step 7 Consolidating Gains And Producing More Change Step 8 Anchoring New Approaches In The Culture This study will analyze the effectiveness of change steps efforts that have been taken during the implementation of Lean Six Sigma Program in government owned service oriented organization from a perspective of change management using the Kotters eight-step change management model as benchmarks. Background of The Study In todays fast-moving era, if there is an organization that is looking for the pace of change to slow or slow in their reaction to any response, is likely to be sorely disappointed and left behind. In fact, some says that, in businesses change is permanent. Change is important in every organization because without change, business would likely lose their market shares, competitive edge and fail to meet the various needs of the customers. SIRIM Berhad is also not neglected from the challenges of reacting more intelligently to customers needs to become more effective. SIRIM Berhad, formerly known as the Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM), is a corporate organization owned wholly by the Malaysian Government, under the Minister of Finance Incorporated. It has been entrusted by the Malaysian Government to be the national organization for standards and quality, and as a promoter of technological excellence in the Malaysian industry. The organization came into operation on September 1, 1996 via corporatization scheme of standards and industrial research institute, initiated by the government with the vision to be a corporation of choice for technology and quality. SIRIM Berhad as the national organization of standardization and quality, and as the prime mover in industrial research and development acts as a catalyst in bringing about national economic dynamism through excellence in technology and international acceptance of Malaysian products and services. Their mission is to enhance their customers competitiveness through technology and quality, and fulfill the needs of the shareholders. As such its role is to act as: A champion of quality. The national technology development corporation. Vehicle for technology transfer. A provider of institutional and technical infrastructure for the Government. SIRIM Berhad has initiated a program called Lean Six-Sigma Program (LSSP). LSSP is developed based on the infamous improvement methodology known as Lean Six Sigma Strategy. It was initiated based on the emerging needs to develop SIRIM to be a market driven organization with sustainable business growth and global market penetration. The proposal has been developed by Group Quality Occupational Safety Health and Environment Department (GQOSHE) in 2008. The main objective of the LSSP is to establish an Integrated Business Process Improvement (IBPI) system that builds on four initiatives namely Lean Six Sigma (LSS), Innovative and Creative Circle (ICC), Just Do It (JDI) and Personal Quality Program (PQP). The first three initiatives are continuous improvement methodology used to enhance business performance while the latter is a motivational and cultural conditioning program for SIRIM staffs. The continuous improvement initiatives were used to promote, nurture and inculcate innovative, creative thinking and learning culture into SIRIM to strengthen its business processes and systems in order to be a market driven organization. Problem Statement Upon acceptance of the proposal from President and Chief Executive, LSSP was officially started on January 28, 2008 followed by the directive to begin the Lean Six Sigma project implementation on few small scale pilot projects on February 29, 2008. Seven (7) departments / divisions of SIRIM Berhad have been selected for the pilot project. These departments have been participating in the Lean Six Sigma workshops and training program which comprise of Green Belt and Black Belt programs. The program focusing on areas as follows; To assist the existing project team to implement prioritized ICC projects, Lean Six Sigma Value Stream projects, To initiate Lean Six Sigma initiative at other SIRIM departments and, To certify the Green Belt who has fulfilled the certification process. During the training period, 19 projects initiated on cost saving activities and 9 of the projects have been completed. Based on value stream mapping (process analysis) conducted at participating departments, upon completion of all the prioritized projects, the program has estimated cost savings of RM300k per year (including project savings from Genba Kaizen 5S implementation). Other tangible benefits from the program are: Safer and more organize work place. Creation of work space and elimination of obsolete and out-dated items. Low and controllable stock keeping level of certain items such as stationeries, chemicals resulting to better cash flow and stock management. Improved process visibility and productivity. Lean Six Sigma Program (LSSP) is expected to be a new change program in SIRIM Berhad and the successful implementation of the program is important for sustainability and growth of the organization. Despite the 3 years of training program consists of briefings, training session and pilot projects, the program unable to reach its goal of transferring SIRIM Berhad to become lean organization and to embed lean thinking into the culture of the organization. From an early interview with some of the staff involved, it is confirmed that currently Lean Six Sigma has not been practiced in their section or department. The program seems to be abandoned and not getting enough coalition to sustain the initiatives. Research Objectives The objectives of this study are: To analyze the effectiveness of change steps efforts that have been taken during the implementation of LSSP with reference to Kotters Eight-Step Change Management Model. To determine the benefit of LSSP to the department during the implementation stages. To determine the weakness of LSSP to the department during the implementation stages. To make recommendation on the finding to the management of SIRIM Berhad on managing lean program and any change management initiatives. Scope of The Study This study will be focusing on the implementation stages of Lean Six Sigma program in SIRIM Berhad. The respondents will comprise of managerial and non-managerial employees that participated in the program before. This study is focusing the change management steps as per Kotters eight change steps of change management as a benchmark. Significance of The Study After the training period, Lean Six Sigma program seems to be abandoned and not getting enough coalition to sustain the initiatives but no formal and structured study has been done to understand why the program not achieving the expected outcome especially on the implementation process. Therefore this study is significant to fill the gap by assessing the implementation steps that have been taken during the implementation of the Lean Six Sigma program. The research will analyze the employees perception toward the effort of change steps that have been taken during the implementation. By understanding this, it will help the management to prepare the suitable and effective steps to improve the implementation of LSS program in SIRIM Berhad and also to be used as a guideline for any changes initiatives in the organization. This study will also provide value by identifying if Kotters popular change management model is also useful in government owned service organization. As a result, the outcome can also be used by other government owned organizations that will or are undergoing Lean Six Sigma initiatives by providing information concerning the applicability of Kotters eight-step change management model as a useful model on managing a change in their organization. Academician and lean consultant could also get the benefit from the findings on the effective way of managing lean in government owned service oriented organization. Limitation of The Study It is important to understand that this is a case-study. This study is limited only to the staff of SIRIM Berhad that involved during the implementation of LSSP. The survey is based on perception and subject to bias that could impact the end results. Therefore the sincerity of the correspondents during answering the survey is very important. Definition of Terms Black Belt Full time position responsible for leading project teams. They are responsible for delivering the value and benefits that were determined for each of their projects during the projects selection process. Green Belts A person who works on a Lean Six Sigma project only part-time, on a specific process about which he or she generally possesses knowledge important to the success of the project (Michele 2002). Kaizen Continuous improvement in Japanese. The kaizen process is modeled after quality circle, the team-based continuous improvement vehicle utilized in the Toyota production System. The secret to Kaizen is that it emphasize creativity before capital (Michele 2002). Lean Six Sigma The activities that cause the customers critical-to-quality issues and create the longest time delays in any process offer the greatest opportunity for improvement in cost, quality, capital, and lead time (Michele 2002). Value Stream The set of activities that convert customer needs into delivered products and services. Improving an entire value stream requires multiple projects (Michele 2002). CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction Chapter 2 presents the literature review of the research study. This chapter is discussing about the change management, lean six sigma, change model, Kotters eight-step change management model and the research questions. Change Management Change is a reality of life. In the past five decades change/improvements initiatives have been driven by a lot of approaches. For example, in 1950s Management by Objectives (MBO), Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) have been introduced. In 1960s to 1970s Sensivity Training, T-groups, Quality Circles, Corporate Culture have been used. The famous improvement initiatives such as ISO9000, Total Quality Management and Corporate Culture were introduced in 1980s and in 1990s Reengineering Agile Strategies, Horizontal Corporations, Employee Empowerment, Core Competencies and Vision have taken the scene (Palmer, I. 2009). Motivations for change have been customers satisfaction, cost reduction, improved efficiency, improved quality, or, in extreme cases, survival (Longbothom 2006). Self D.R and Schraeder M. (2009) explained that the first challenge organization faced during implementing change in the organization is recognizing the need for change and second, and possibly more significant is effectively deploying strategies to implement change. Contemporary literature outlines a multitude of various strategies for implementing change in an organization. Wikipedia (2012) defines Change Management as an approach to shifting / transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to desired future state. Smith (2005) explained that change is a process of letting go of things as they are in order to take up a new ways of doing things. Organizational change normally challenges the status quo of the employee and it may challenge the values and perceived rights of workers and work group. For some people, change is welcome and relates to something new, fresh and exciting but for some people may be more cautious by seeking to test and examine before proceeding. Palmer et. al (2009) explained that there are six images of managing change. First is change manager as a director which gave an image of management as control and change outcomes as being achievable. Second is change manager as a navigator where the manager is in control of a given situation and the outcomes are partly emergent rather than completely planned and result from a variety of influences, competing interests and processes. Third is change manager as care taker is an ideal image of management is still one of control, although the ability to exercise control is severely constrained by a variety of forces, both internally and externally driven, that propel change relatively independent of managers intentions. Forth is change manager as a coach where the manager is in a position to shape the organizations capabilities in particular ways. Fifth is change manager as an interpreter where managing change places the change manager in the position of creating meaning for the other o rganisational members, helping them to make sense of various organisational events and actions. And lastly change manager as nurturer where the nurturing image to managing assumes that even small changes may have a large impact on organizations and managers are not able to control the outcomes of their changes. For other journal, Michael Stanleigh (2008) found that most change initiatives fail because management may not be engaging employees in the process towards change and do not allow sufficient time for change to set. It is important to implement change in a series of phases that will engage employee and to allow sufficient length of time for each phase to become institutionalized within the organization. He listed out several drivers of change such as mergers and acquisitions, innovation, technology, restructuring / re-organizing, declining sales and/or market share, globalization, expansion and growth, sense of urgency and lastly when 75% of the leadership is honestly convinced that business as usual is no longer as acceptable plan. However he claimed that, too often, management fails to recognize that adjustment to change takes time. They expected the employee to react quickly to the changes and fail to recognize that each individual will go through all of the phases at different pac es. As a result, sometimes the employee may burn out, scared or frustrated and unable to cooperate. Therefore he recommended all managers to apply multi-step process to guide, include, empower, enlist and motivate employees toward change. 2.2 Lean Six Sigma Lean Six Sigma is a technique to improve process and can be used either individually, in a group of people or in combination with a target to improve the quality and delivery of any business process. Originally developed by Toyota called as Toyota Production System is based on series of principles focusing on eliminating 7 categories of Muda, Japanese word means waste, specifically any activity of consuming resources but creates no values. Waste such as over produced of goods that no one wants, transportation of goods from one place to another without any reasons, waste due to correction of defects which require rectifications, waste in waiting time due to delay in process, over-processing, inventory pile up and motion waste of unnecessary processing steps will end up not meeting the needs of the customers. Liker (2004) claimed that the lean thinking was used by Taiichi Ohno, a Toyotas Plant manager who was assigned to improve Toyotas manufacturing process back in 1950. TPS underpins many innovation including the elimination waste muda, quality at the source jidoka and continuous improvement kaizen. Through years of trial and error, Toyota caught the worlds attention in 1980s where the cars produced were lasting longer than American cars and required much less repair. Based on his study, in 1990s Toyota capable to produced new design of auto faster, with more reliability, at a competitive cost and became third-largest auto manufacturer in the world behind General Motors and Ford. Much of the success comes from its astounding quality reputation. Kaizen (continuous improvement) will lead to learning organization. This culture when embedded to the organization will give a great benefit by providing opportunities for improvement and sustainability in a long run. Any organization will obtain an effectiveness and efficiency in their process by implementing Lean. Lean requires a specific way of thinking, philosophy and management system. Liker (2004) describes fourteen principles of lean at Toyota Production Systems (TPS) and the principles can be divided into four categories that are; Long-Term Philosophy. The Right Process Will Produce The Right Results. Add Value by Developing Your People and Partners, and Continuously Solving Root Problems Drives Learning. Womack J.P and Jones D.T (1996) explained that the lean thinking provides a method to make any tasks more satisfying by converting waste into value with less human effort, less equipment, less time and less space while coming closer and closer to providing customers with exactly what they want. He proposed 5 lean principles consist of: Specify Value. Identify the Value Stream. Determine the Flow. Pull. Perfection. They proposed that all 5 steps should be applied holistically and it is important that all the steps are performing together due to the interrelationship between the principles is enough to enhance the outcomes of the others. They also argue than lean not just can be successful in manufacturing organization but also in any other organization. They come out with a term called From Lean Production to Lean Enterprise. Although lean will always associated with reduction of costs, eliminating waste and JIT but the adoption of lean is beneficial for knowledge-based activities such as services, design, engineering and product development. 2.3 Change Model There are a lot of change models been studied and introduced to organize change activities in a systematic approach. Researchers have been studying change, specifically organizational change, for decades. Detail studies on implementing change has been conducted by Ian Palmer, Richard Dunford and Gib Akin (2009) and presented in their book Managing Organizational Change. They said that in various change management approaches provide multistep models of how to achieve larga-scale, transformation change. They studied 9 examples of change management model that have been introduced from 1992 to 2006. These models differ not just in terms of the number of steps but also the way to implement the steps. Katner, Stein and Jick proposed an approach called Ten Commandments in 1992, Pendlebury, Grouard and Meston proposed Ten Keys in 1998, Nadler proposed 12 Action Steps in 1998, Taffinder proposed Transformation Trajectory in 1998, Anderson and Anderson proposed Nine-Phase Change Process Model in 2001, Kirkpatrick proposed Step-by-Step Change Model in 2001, Mento, Jones and Dirndorfer proposed 12-Step Framework in 2002, Light proposed RANDs Six Steps in 2005 and Leppit proposed Integrated Model in 2006. The summary of all 9 change models made by Palmer et. al. (2009) is as Appendix 1. Ian Palmer, Richard Dunford and Gib Akin (2009) said that possibly one of the best-known change management model is John Kotters eight-step model. Norani (2011) also says that among all the emergent change approaches, Kotters model is said to have a long standing high reputation that has flexibility to deal with vast number of problems and issues that may be experienced during change. Kotters simplifies the steps during change process to overcome the challenge and constraints that might occurred during the implementation. 2.4 Kotters Eight-Step Change Management Model John P. Kotter graduated from MIT and Harvard. He joined the Harvard Business School faculty in 1972 and after 8 years, at the age of thirty-three, he was voted tenure and a full professorship. He wrote a lot of books, journals and articled related to leadership, change and managements. In 1994 he wrote an article for the Harvard Business Review entitled Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail. It was based on his analysis from a lot of initiatives to produce significant useful change in organization via restructuring, reengineering, restrategizing, acquisitions, downsizing, quality programs and cultural renewal in companies that trying to remake themselves into significantly better companies. These companies included large organizations such as Ford, General Motors, British Airways, Landmark Corporation etc. The basic goal of all change efforts was to make fundamental changes in how business is conducted in order to cope with a changing market environment. He has made his st udy on both success and fail of change initiatives. As a result from his analysis Kotter developed his 8 steps for change. The eight steps were created to be followed one by one and in sequence where for him each step building on the previous. Kotter states that it is essential to thoroughly complete all 8 steps, not cutting only one or short. Kotter (1996) quoted Whenever you leave one of the steps in the eight-stage change process without finishing the work, you usually pay a big price later on. Step 1 is Establishing a Sense of Urgency. Change efforts begin successfully when some individuals of a group of people start realize and look hard at a companys competitive situations, market positions, technological trends and financial performance. Kotter notes that over half of the companies he analyzes have never been able to create enough urgency to prompt action. Compared with other steps in the change process, step one can sound easy but it is not. Well over 50% of the companies I have watched fail in this first phase (Kotter, 2007, pg. 3). Kotter proposed that the change initiatives can be successful is when 75% of companys managements is honestly convinced and agreed to change. Step 2 is Creating the Guiding Coalition. Kotter (1995) described it as a step that requires the organization to assembling a group with enough power to lead the change effort and encourage the group to work together as a team. The team may consist one or two people in the early stage but it must grow over time. It is important that the team get full support by the top managements. A high sense of urgency for change within the top management is such organization helps enormously in putting a guiding coalition together. Leadership play an important role to spread out the sense of urgency to change. Efforts that dont have a powerful enough guiding coalition cant only sustain for a while and in the end the progress will stop. Step 3 is Developing a Vision and Strategy. A vision helps clarify the direction in which the change results should be. Kotter (1995) describe this step as developing a picture of the future that is relatively easy to communicate and appeals to customers, stock-holders and employees. Without a sensible vision, any change effort can easily dissolve into a list of confusing and incompatible projects that can take the organization in the wrong direction or nowhere at all. Step 4 is Communicating the Change Vision. In this step, every possible communication channel must be used to spread out the change initiatives. Everybody needs to know, aware and get familiar about what is happening. Some key elements of effectively communicating shall be used such as repetition, explanation, forums and leading by example of the guiding coalition. Step 5 is Empowering Employees for Broad-Based Action. In this step, action should be taken to remove all obstacles to change. This might as be up to the extent of changing systems or structures that seriously undermine the vision. It also may involve allocating some budget, money, time, support etc. These are to get more people to involve. The more people involved, the better the outcome (Kotter 1995). Step 6 is Generating Short-Term Wins. Transformation will take time and effort and will risk losing momentum if there are no short-term goals or achievement. Some people will only get participate when they start to see the positive results. Without short term wins, people will get exhausted and may turn back to their original behavior or condition. Step 7 is Consolidating Gains and Producing More Change. In this step, Kotter gave warns that people tend to declare victory too soon before they are really won. They easily get satisfied with the changes without knowing that it is not fully embedded into the systems of the organization. The change might take years to complete. Step 8 is Anchoring New Approaches in The Culture. This step is the ultimate goal of any change initiatives. It embeds in the culture of the organization, when it seeps into the bloodstream of the organization. 2.5 Research Questions Based on the discussion above, the following research questions have been formulated to guide the study. Is the program established enough Sense of Urgency to the staff during the implementation period? Is the program creating a group of people with enough power to lead the change effort and encourage the group to work together as a team during the implementation period? Is the staff been thought about the Vision and Strategy and understand the end results of Lean Six Sigma program? Is the staff well versed and understand about the benefit of Lean Six Sigma? Is the program gets enough support from the management and well accepted by the staff? Is staff clear about the short term target and long term target of the program and feel that Lean Six Sigma will give a lot of benefit to them? Is the program continuously developing and more people start to talk about Lean Six Sigma? Is Lean Six Sigma embedded into the culture of every staff? CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Introduction The previous chapters provide with a contextual framework for understanding the purpose and objectives of the research. Chapter three focuses on the research methodology and its application to the research objectives and questions outlined in chapter one and two. The research design, population and sample, sampling procedure, assessment instruments and pilot study are described according to its use in this chapter. In addition the statistical tools used for data analysis are defined in relation to the objectives and research questions. Research Design Research can be describe as a systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem that needs solution. Management research could encompass the study of employee attitude and behavior, human resources management, the impact of changing demographic on management practices, production operation management, strategy formulation, information systems, and the like (Sekaran, 1984, p. 5). The type of this research is applied research. When research is done with the intention of applying the results of its findings to solving specific problems currently being experienced in the organization, it is called applied research (Sekaran, 1984, p. 6). Data can be collected in a variety of ways, settings and sources. This study will base on quantitative research using questionnaires (survey) method and qualitative research by interviewing some of the selected staff purposive sampling. Sekaran (1984) explained that a questionnaire is a preformulated written set of questions to which respondents record their answer, usually within rather closely defined alternatives and interviewing is a process to obtain information on the issues of interest to the researched. It can be either unstructured or structured and could be conducted either face to face or any means. The main purpose of the interview is to have an early understanding on Lean Six Sigma Program that has been implemented. Population and Sample A total of 120 participants from 7 departments / divisions of SIRIM Berhad participated in Lean Six Sigma Program will involve in this study. The participants are full time staff work
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Based on Kolberg’s Scale
On Kohlbergââ¬â¢s scale, I consider myself to be on the conventional level, Level II. I can say that I still react to my familyââ¬â¢s expectations. Not so much of my peers, because Iââ¬â¢ve learned that everyone have their personal opinions to everything. Sometimes, even unsolicited advices are given, I donââ¬â¢t intend to be rude to them in any way, therefore, I take it as creative criticism. These things happen all the time. I do conform to the norms that I learned at home and in school, not so much from the church though because I have not been an active member for some time now. I do understand the moral norms and rules and how they must be followed. Growing up, family played a significant role in my life. I can truly say that I am who I am today because of them. I was taught that for as long as I live the right way, not hurting anyone along the way, and being thankful for what I have, I will be happy. There were times that I have made the wrong choices, but for the most part, I didnââ¬â¢t forget my parentââ¬â¢s teachings. For instance, getting in trouble with the law for fighting or being disruptive, I eventually grew out of it and learned that maybe violence is not the way to do things. For the most part, having a decent conversation or as simple as talking about the problem will eventually solve the misunderstanding and everything can end well. I donââ¬â¢t see myself on the third level only because I havenââ¬â¢t come to the point where I question why things are the way they are. I know the difference between right and wrong, and I definitely think thatââ¬â¢s more important than looking for explanations.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Top Secret Truth About Samples of Comparison and Contrast Essay Uncovered
The Top Secret Truth About Samples of Comparison and Contrast Essay Uncovered A cause and effect essay is the sort of paper that the writer is using to analyze the causes and effects of a certain action or event. Generally, there are 3 kinds of cause and effect essays. There are different kinds of effects and causes that you may take into account. Additionally, there are less important ones that are known as the contributory results and causes. You must be in a position to demonstrate that every cause was actually related to the last outcome. What's more, you must make sure your causes are in reality linked to their effects. Eating disorders are a severe health issue. As a result, if one faces such a problem as insomnia, they should do their very best to solve it as fast as possible. An analytical essay is a particular kind of composition that is composed in order to help the reader obtain much better knowledge of a particular object. Apart from being a comprehensive assignment by themselves, cause and effect writing may also feature as part a bigger assignment. In the event the topic isn't nicely researched, there is not going to be any outstanding composition. Once more, you'll have to demonstrate your thorough wisdom and analytical mastery of the area. Samples of Comparison and Contrast Essay Options Therefore, in case you have to compose a brilliant research paperyou should understand its most important ideas. Writing about the reason and effect essay topics related to the school's popularity or surviving the initial year in college might be fine to grab the interest of your peers. The group of qualified essay writers is always prepared to assist you with that in no moment! The very first sentence in the paragraph, together with the prior one's last sentence, should supply a smooth transition and one which is clear. The Debate Over Samples of Comparison and Contrast Essay Good research is indispensable in regards to writing a very good cause and effect essay. Before you start to compare the 2 subjects, research to acquire more knowledge on the topics you're writing about. Deciding upon the most suitable topic has to be carried out with care because it's the fundamental foundation of essay writing. Deciding upon the essay topic has to be carried out carefully. Don't be afraid to speak to our Essay Writing Service and expert essay writers will gladly aid you with your assignment. Furthermore, you could come across more resources about College Essay Examples. Furthermore, it's super important to found your essay around your primary bodies rather than your thesis statement. Students learn how to analyze details about two subjects. Choosing our service, you are going to understand that studying can be simple if you gain from the help of competent experts. This kind of assignment is a little different from many other college tasks and has multiple requirements, which might significantly complicate the approach. Quit worrying because writing isn't a burden, but a challenge that you ought to be inclined to take on. Writing of company papers isn't a simple endeavor largely to pupils which have been in their very own large level of education. The Foolproof Samples of Comparison and Contrast Essay Strategy Each paragraph will go over the reas on and the result. The finish of your introduction paragraph ought to be a thesis statement. Once you are finished with the principal section, you must work on the conclusion. In any event, you are going to need to make certain that your thesis statement reflects your instructor. Prepare the body of the essay so you've got one paragraph for every one of the causes or effects from your thesis. The body would be discussing the information which you provided in the debut of the essay, if you are handling many causes or effects, you can discuss them one by one in distinct paragraphs. While there could be multiple results or causes for any particular relationship, based on the amount of your essay, you must make attempts to keep it limited to three. There's always something which precedes certain consequences. Before you commence working on cause and effect essay outline the very first thing you have to do is to pick a winning topic. Cause and effect is a good alternative for those who need to better their skills not just in writing but logical thinking too. There are primary results and causes, which are the ones which are most important. Want to Know More About Samples of Comparison and Contrast Essay? Finally, you've got to examine the paper on multiple occasions. For college students, writing a cause and effect essay does require a whole lot of thought and a particular level of research skill, however, it doesn't need to be a tricky undertaking. Once more, based on the content you've got to provide, the essay ought to be organized to suit your information efficiently and neatly. Get in touch with us now to learn how you are able to secure a superior essay for a sensible price.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Holocaust Essay - 1732 Words
The Holocaust The Holocaust, a word introduced in the 1950s to describe the mass murder of the Jews of Europe by the Nazis during World War II. Before that it was traditionally defined as, by the Encarta English dictionary as 1. complete destruction by fire: complete consumption by fire, especially of a large number of human beings or animals 2. total destruction: wholesale or mass destruction of any kind 3. burnt offering: a sacrifice that is totally consumed by fire. The Holocaust is a chapter in human history that will live in shame along with slavery, treatment towards Native Americans, the Japanese internment camps, the Armenians and the execution of hundreds of thousands Russians by Stalin. To fully understand how such aâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The outcome of the war was devastating for Germany. They lost the war and had to sign a treaty known as the Versailles Treaty. The treaty was embarrassing to Germany because it made the German border smaller, forced Germany to pay war damages, allowed an army of only certain number and other penalties forced on Germany. This treaty put Germany into poverty and severe economic depression. People spent their life savings on a loaf of bread. When WWI broke out, Adolf Hitler, Then in his mid 20s, hoped to join the army to fight. Being rejected for the Austrian Army Hitler was delighted because he wanted to be a German. He wrote to the King of a large State in Southern Germany and later was assigned to the 16th Bavarian Infantry Regiment which was composed of student volunteers. Hitler was wounded several times throughout the war and at the end of the was his rank was Lance Corporal. In the summer of 1919 Hitler became member #7 of a small group called the German Workers Party. The party had no goals or plans, it was just against the government. Soon after joining this group he became their leader. Within two years of joining this group Hitler turned it into a large group and changed the name to the National Socialist German W orkers Party. The work Nazi Came from the first two words of the German name, NAtional soZIalist. All kinds of people jointed Hitlers group such as war veterans, poor students,Show MoreRelatedHolocaust : Holocaust And Holocaust1247 Words à |à 5 Pages History of holocaust Holocaust Term Paper Jewish people were tortured, abused, and subjected through horrific unfathomable situations by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust. Despite all of the unpragmatic hardships Jews all over Europe faced, many stayed true to their faith and religion. There are numerous stories in which Jewish people tried to keep the roots of their religion well knowing the risk of torture and death. The never ending fear of Jewish people living in the Ghettos and trying to surviveRead MoreHolocaust : The Holocaust And Holocaust1247 Words à |à 5 PagesWe all know the horrific experience, the Jews faced during the Holocaust and after it. Even after some survived the holocaust physically, they will always be tormented and haunted by those gruesome memories from those inhumane actions that were directed towards them. After, all they went through it is obvious the holocaust affected the survivor s drastically, but how about the future generations of Jews. In which I believe the holocaust did in fact affect the second generation, but the third generationRead MoreThe Holocaust : A Holocaust930 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Holocaust is one of the most well known genocides that have taken place. It had destroyed millions of Jewish lives and has caused a historical pain to these people that cannot be taken away till this day. The Holocaust can be seen from Goldhagenââ¬â¢s perspective of eliminationism. It did have all of the five steps and yet there was uniqueness about the Holocaust. The first one that can be looked at is the concentration camp itself. The history of the camp and the stories are still being unfoldedRead MoreHolocaust : The Holocaust And Holocaust1328 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Holocaust The holocaust is a term originally referred to a religious rite in which an offering is incinerated. But today, has another meaning; is any human disaster of great magnitude and importance, mainly refers to the extermination of the Jews who lived in Europe conducted by the Germany government. Throughout the nineteenth century, the Jewish community was improving their situation and their rights equalized to those of other citizens in most European countries. But despite this, these peopleRead MoreHolocaust : An Examination Of The Holocaust1117 Words à |à 5 Pages In the summer of 1944 the soviets freed the Jewish from the concentration camps like Belzec, Treblinka and the most infamous killing camp Auschwitz. In an examination of the holocaust I will converse the effects of the holocaust and their worlds response, to its victims and perpetrators. The aftermath of the holocaust shows the mass Genocide people found, as Germany cures itself it showed civilization that we should not let someone manipulate us, and let them change our ideals and beliefs. I willRead MoreThe Holocaust Of The Jewish Holocaust858 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Jewish Holocaust is often described as the largest, most gruesome holocaust in history. It began in 1933 with the rise of Adolf Hitler and lasted nearly twelve years until the Nazi Party were defeated by the Allied powers in 1945. The expression ââ¬Å"Holocaustâ⬠originated from Greece which is translated to ââ¬Å"sacrifice by fireâ⬠. This is a very proper name considering the slaughter and carnage of Jewi sh people inflicted by the Nazis. In addition to the Jewish, Gypsies, Jehovahââ¬â¢s Witnesses, homosexualRead MoreThe Holocaust : The Causes Of The Holocaust804 Words à |à 4 PagesAfter WW2, there was a thing called the holocaust. There were many concentration camps all over Germany where many Jews were killed in different ways. It happened between WW1 and WW2, 1933-1945. My position on why this happened is that Germany was going through a rough time, so Hitler wanted their country to resemble power. Read on to learn more about the causes and ways the Holocaust could have been avoided. The Holocaust was a mass slaying of groups of people which that Germany saw as inferiorRead MoreThe holocaust959 Words à |à 4 Pagesï » ¿Year 10 Humanities 2013 Unit 2: World War 2 Task 2 The Holocaust The Causes of the Holocaust The Process of the Holocaust In 1933, the Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million. Most European Jews lived in countries that Germany would occupy during World War II. By 1945, the Germans killed nearly two out of every three European Jews as part of the Final Solution, the Nazi policy to murder the Jews of Europe. Although Jews, whom the Nazis deemed a priority danger toRead MoreThe Holocaust971 Words à |à 4 Pagesof the Holocaust The Holocaust was one of the most horrible and dreaded events in history. Millions of Jews were killed, leaving many families devastated and hopeless. With the goal of racial purity, Adolf Hitler- along with many other Germans believed the Jews caused the defeat of their country, and led the Nazis to the elimination of Jews. For this reason, ââ¬Å"Even in the early 21st century, the legacy of the Holocaust enduresâ⬠¦as many as 12,000 Jews were killed every dayâ⬠(The Holocaust). LaterRead MoreHolocaust Final Draft : Holocaust1495 Words à |à 6 PagesAnthony Harmon Holocaust Final draft World History The holocaust started when Adolf Hitler became Germanyââ¬â¢s dictator, and they started the organization called the Nazis. They started by terrorizing the Jewish community in Germany, then eventually put them all into concentration camps. In one of the bigger camps, they experimented and took newborn babies away from the nursing mothers and they were seeing how long they would survive without feeding. Between 1945 and 1985, about 5,000 Nazi
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