Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Vietnam Essay - 1320 Words

After thinking about all the things we would learn this year in American history I decided to do my project on the experiences of Vietnam War veterans. There is a lot of controversy as to whether or not the Vietnam War veterans are given enough recognition for what they went through. I have heard horrible stories of US soldiers dying from US bombs, shell shock, and soldiers returning to America and not being able to function as active members of society due to the horrors of the war. All I really know about the war is what I have seen on television. I wanted to learn about the war through the firsthand accounts of those who were there. The Vietnam War was a military struggle fought in Vietnam from 1959 to 1975. It began as an†¦show more content†¦Many, especially those who suffered physical trauma, have no jobs and are forced to beg for food on street corners and live under bridges. The first book I read was Bouncing Back. It was a collection of the experiences of a group of Air Force pilots who were gunned down and taken as prisoners of war. The post-POW lives of the Air Force pilots I read about contrasted greatly with those of the Marines I read about in The War In I Corps. The Marines lived dirty lived in the Jungles of Vietnam. One of the best things about The War In I Corps was its great descriptions of the things the Marines had to go through. As Richard A. Guidry put it : â€Å"In a driving rain, laden with heavy packs, our platoon lumbered toward its place in the long line of men sprawled in the thick sticky mud.... The rain added a slimy quality to the crust of dirt and fungus that encased my body. Running my fingers across my arm was like following the tracks of a snail.†3 It really gave me a feel for what they were going through. It made me wonder how they didn’t just not fight. The war wasn’t theirs, but due to bad luck they were stuck in this horrible jungle forced to fight an enemy they had no reason to hate. Living like animals with practically no food and little or no contact with Their families. Under the same conditions I think I would sit under a tree and wait it out. WhileShow MoreRelatedVietnam Culture Dimension Of Vietnam Essay1429 Words   |  6 PagesVietnam Culture Dimension Each country will have the own culture. As the country Vietnam is a country living in feudalism. Vietnam has a distinctive culture and ancient associated with the history of the formation and development of the nation. Vietnam has a rich culture and diversity in all aspects. Vietnamese people have many different festivals along with community significance, and sustainable confidence in the different beliefs about religion. 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It is important to realize that Vietnam like any other country in theRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam1573 Words   |  7 PagesA. The Vietnam War occurred from 1955-1975, this included the North and South fighting over government structure of the newly independent state of Vietnam, having recently become independent from France. However, the USA was in Vietnam as a sort of protection for the South Vietnamese people, who had a weaker army force, but only a few thousand Americans were in Vietnam for that purpose at the time. On August 7, 1964, the USA entered the war for the purpose of fighting the North Vietnamese due toRead MoreThe Vietnam War Of Vietnam1540 Words   |  7 PagesMany Americans know about the war that was held in Vietnam, known as The Vietnam War. What Some Americans may not know is the side of Vietnam, and how they were affected with the aftermath. Originally The Vietnamese were controlled by France from 1859 until the defeat of France in World War II (The Vi etnam War). 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Catholic Church’s responses to Nazi antisemitism Free Essays

Antisemitism refers to hatred or prejudice towards the Jews. The Nazi antisemitism started in 1933 and ended in 1945 marking a period of persecution and murder of Jews in Europe by the Nazis in Germany under Hitler’s ruling regime (Poliakov, 8). Background information. We will write a custom essay sample on Catholic Church’s responses to Nazi antisemitism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hatred against the Jews was prevalent in the modern era especially in the 19th and 20th century. This led to the origin of the word antisemitism which refers to the pogroms, violence and riots propelled by governments against the Jews (Falk, 10). Pogroms and violence against the Jews were initially instigated by false beliefs that the Jews were using blood from Christian children for their religious rituals. In the 19th century, the prejudice against the Jews intensified with the formation of antisemitic political parties in Germany, Austria and France. This marked the beginning of an international conspiracy against the Jews with the component of nationalism which treated Jews as disloyal and illegal citizens. In the late 19th century, a political party named as Voelkisch movement which comprised mainly of German philosophers promoted the notion that Jews were not a part of the Germandom. Eugenic theories based on racial anthropology helped to support this notion and from this pseudoscientific ideas, the Nazi party was founded in 1919. The Nazi party which was headed by Adolf Hitler helped to promote theories of racism and hatred towards the Jews which called for their removal out of Germany. In 1933, the Nazi party was elected to power and it immediately ordered for economic boycotts against the Jews with the introduction of anti-Jewish laws. In the beginning of 1935, the anti-Jewish laws called for a total separation between the Jews and the rest of the citizens thereby legalizing a hierarchy based purely on racism. In November 1938, antisemitic groups embarked on a mission to destroyed synagogues and business establishments owned by the Jews in Germany and Austria in what is now known as the Kristallnacht. This marked the beginning of an era of destruction and mass killing for the Jews. This period is known as Nazi antisemitism and it led to a holocaust which killed millions of Jews and destroyed many more (Learner, 128-134). The catholic church has in the past faced many rows over claims that it supported Hitler and the Nazis in the racial discrimination against the Jews (Doyle, 120). However, the Roman catholic has strongly denied these claims and in fact, it highly opposed such acts of hatred against the Jews. Though the church has admitted of having failed to do its best to end the war, it has evidently affirmed its opposing stand against Hitler’s regime and acts of antisemitism. This paper seeks to establish the response of the catholic church towards the Nazi antisemitism. Biblical views on antisemitism. The bible and particularly the New Testament has been singled out as having strong hostility and antagonism towards the Jews. The Gospel of John has many antisemitic phrases and episodes which refer to the Jews in a derogatory way. In John 8: 37-40 is one such phrase where Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees of how the Jews were planning to persecute Him since they did not believe in what He spoke to them about God. The book of 1 Thessalonian 2:13-15 speaks of how Churches in Judea were suffering under the hands of those people people who persecuted Jesus. It also talks about how such acts by the Jews were displeasing to God and Christians. The New Testament also adds that while on trial, a Jewish guard struck Jesus on the face for uttering ill words against the Jewish high priest (John 18: 20). Moreover, the death of Jesus preceded by brutal mockery (Matt 27: 24-39) has been entirely blamed on the Jews who mocked and persecuted Him in life and on the cross. Some theology scholars have speculated that the unnamed people who mocked Jesus while on the cross were actually Jews and they have added that though Romans were the lead executors of the prosecution and crucification of Jesus, the Jews also played a great role in the events which led to His death. The chronological events which led to the death of Jesus as stated in the New Testament led to the anti-Judaism perception held by most Christians. After the death of Jesus, the New Testament indicates that the Jewish leaders living in Jerusalem became hostile towards the followers of Jesus forcing them to stop preaching the gospel or die. Stephen who was on of the Jesus disciples was stoned to death by the Jews for going against the Jewish laws and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. In Acts 7: 51-58 just before his persecution, Stephen spoke to the Jews in an antisemitic way referring to them as â€Å"stiff necked, uncircumcised and opposers of the Holy Spirit. † All this instances show how the New Testament which was primarily written by the Jews who became Jesus followers contains many antisemitic passages which led to an anti-Judaism perception in the early Christian churches. The Roman Catholic Church which is one of the early churches had also had the anti-Judaism belief which has led to its association with antisemitic acts in the Nazi antisemitism. Catholic church and Nazi antisemitism. Throughout the 19th and the 20th century, the Roman Catholic Church still held on strongly to many antisemitic beliefs and the notion that the Jews led to the death of Jesus as indicated in the New Testament despite efforts to distinguish between anti-Judaism and racially instigated antisemitism. However in the early 20th century, the Catholic church made a clear distinction between good and bad antisemitism to all its followers. According to Kertzer (pp. 2-25), the bad type of antisemitism was unchristian as it advocated for hatred and racial bias against the Jews due to their background while the good type of antisemitism only served to criticize the Jewish conspiracies which sought to control all sectors of the economy in Germany for selfish wealth accumulation. At this time, many catholic bishops wrote articles criticizing such acts but when accused of being antisemitic, the bishops argued that they were strongly against any acts of hatred o r destruction plotted against the Jews. The church’s response to Nazi antisemitism. Catholic church and the Christian community as a whole strongly despised the Nazi antisemitism. Kain in his popular book entitled Europe: Versailles to War-saw explains that the Nazis acts towards the Jews greatly offended Christians and led to protests by German army chaplains to Hitler in 1937 warning him of a future war in Germany due to his ungodly acts. The opposition by the catholic church response towards the Nazi antisemitism was quite straight-forward and emphatic. Catholic clergy was one of the first people who stood firmly to declare opposition towards the Nazis despite threats of persecution. Several Christians also stood firmly to oppose the Nazi antisemitism. For instance, Stauffenberg who was a devout catholic plotted Hitler’s assassination in 1944 to depict his strong faith and opposition against the Jews’ persecutions and killings. Stauffenberg was later killed by the Nazis after the attempts to assassinate Hitler failed. The catholic church believes on the Christian view of man made in the image and likeness of God and for this reason, every human being deserves enormous dignity regardless of race, state or background. According to Macrobio a professor at the Regina Pontifical University, Pope Pius XIII who was the leader of the Roman Catholic Church during the period of Nazi antisemitism was strongly opposed to the antisemitism and eugenic theories imposed against the Jews. A decree released by the Holy office in December 1940 by the Pope clearly condemned the killings and the racial laws put forward by Hitler and the Nazi party against the Jews. The decree stated that such killings were wrong and ungodly since they went against the natural law and all the divine precepts as defined by the Holy Bible. Throughout the war, Pius XII kept on pleading privately for a stop on the continued killings on behalf of the Jews and even after the war, he still condemned the Nazi antisemitism. In 1946 when speaking to a group of delegates in Palestine, the Pope affirmed the Church’s stand on its opposition towards the persecutions carried out by Hitler and the Nazis against the Jews with no apologies. Why the church opposed Nazi antisemitism and eugenic theories. Eugenic theories are aimed at imposing discrimination to a certain group of people. For the catholic church, all men are equal in the eyes of God since humanity is not defined by neither external capabilities such as beauty nor internal characteristics such as knowledge. Every one be it a saint or a sinner is believed to be a son of God and only the father can judge whom to punish for their sins and whom to bless. Due to this fact, its wrong for the church to support the eugenic theories and antisemitic acts which seem to favor some individuals or racial groups over others. The catholic church further believes that discrimination of any kind is ungodly and unlawful regardless of whether it occurs in form of verbal racism or holocaust as in the case of the Nazi antisemitism as long as it threatens man’s dignity and the church has an ultimate responsibility to oppose it by all means. Conclusion. The Pope’s reactions towards the holocaust were quite complex but one clear indication is that the catholic church was against these antisemitism acts and it strongly condemned them (Schoenberg, 2). At times the Pope acted privately with attempts to help the Jews in their escapes out of Germany and he succeeded but on most occasions, the church just chose to remain quiet on issues surrounding the war with the aim of appealing neutral. The reason which might have led to continued silence by the Pope and the catholic church during the holocaust has been attributed to fear of Nazi reprisals, the notion that public speech would have had no significant effect on the war or the feeling that such speeches were likely to harm the Jews more. However, sources have shown that though the church did not directly support Nazi antisemitism, catholic anti-Judaism played a great role in fostering this hatred against the Jews. The false assumptions that most of the Nazis who participated in the killings and destruction of the Jews were Christians are unfounded and have no empirical evidence to support them. In conclusion, it can be said that the catholic church was strongly against the Nazi antisemitism but just like all other positions of power, there is still more that the church could have done to stop this war against the Jews. How to cite Catholic Church’s responses to Nazi antisemitism, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Gem of study free essay sample

Starting with 10 participating countries, the project, now in its 14th year of operations, has expanded to include 69+ countries. GEM is the largest and most developed research program on entrepreneurship in the world. GEM is unique because, unlike most entrepreneurship data sets that measure newer and smaller firms, GEM studies the behavior of individuals with respect to starting and managing a business. GEM nations are members of an exclusive research project which provides access to the collective knowledge of some of the world’s most renowned researchers and institutions involved in entrepreneurship research. At a time in history when individual entrepreneurial activity may hold the key to transforming the global economy and discouraging ingrained economic disparity in countries with minimal economic opportunity, GEM data has influenced national economic policies and continues to expand its collaborative role â€Å"The GEM Global report clearly shows that perceptions are critical. GEM looks at perceived opportunities, perceived capabilities, and intentions to start a business. We will write a custom essay sample on Gem of study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We measure and analyze the differences among a wide range of geographic regions and economic levels, said the reports coauthor Mike Herrington. Among The Reports Key Findings: Perceived Opportunities and Capabilities Fear of Failure Entrepreneurial Intentions Beliefs About Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurial Activity Necessity and Opportunity Driven Entrepreneurs Gender Differences What are the independent and dependent variables in this study? The Entrepreneurial Sector and Economic Growth General National Framework Conditions Entrepreneurial Opportunities Business Dynamics (Firms, jobs) What are some of the intervening, extraneous, and moderating variables that the study attempted to control with its 10-nation design? Promoting entrepreneurship, especially outside the most active age group ( with specific programs that support entrepreneurial activity. Current, no standardized data collected by each national research team. Two rounds of adult population surveys (1,000 randomly selected adults per Country) to measure entrepreneurial activity and attitude, completed and Coordinated by an international market survey firm by phone—or face-to-face in Japan. (Market Facts [Arlington, VA] did the first round of data collection in June 1998 [Canada, Finland, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States]. Audience Selection, Ltd. [London] conducted the second round in March 1999 from all 10 countries. ) Hour-long personal interviews with 4 to 39 experts (key informants) in each country.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Racial Profiling and African American Males free essay sample

African American males learn all too quickly or early on in life that they might be subjected to be harassed by law enforcement not because they did anything wrong, but because of the color of their skin. What is racial profiling? According to Piquero and Reitzel (2006) racial profiling is the alleged law enforcement practice of using skin color as a pretext to stop, question, or search minorities. Anytime people are stop unjustifiable because their skin color is not white that is nothing other than blatant racism at it worse. Race relations among the African American communities and law enforcements have far too long been a relationship of distrust. African Americans have always believed that they were target of racism which meant that they were often mistreated, harassed, and often arrested because of their skin color. After slavery and still today in many communities, African Americans males are still being preyed upon and treated unfairly by a good deal of law enforcements. We will write a custom essay sample on Racial Profiling and African American Males or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Things have improved since racial profiling was brought to the public eye not so many years ago, and since data was composed to see if racial profiling existed. For many years the African American community especially black males has been crying out for help due to the unfair treatment and harassment they often received for no apparent reason other than being a black male. Even though there were numerous complaints from African American Leaders and the communities regarding police brutality, harassment, and unjustifiable false arrest, the government did nothing. Even after decades of complaining and public outcry from African Americans the government still allowed these types of tactics to exist without any intervention. Statistics shows that African American males are more likely to be stopped, harassed, search, and arrested more than any other minorities groups and especially more so than whites. African American males in their teens and early twenties are also more likely to be the target of police harassment and police brutality than any other race (Piquero Reitzel, 2006). Not all African Americans have distrust for the law enforcements. Some gladly welcome their presence into their communities and are glad to assist them in anyway possible. For a great deal of African American males their encounters with law enforcement have not always been a positive experiment. Many believed that they are the target of nothing other than racism. That believes that they are single out only because their skin color happens to be black. When discussing the issue of racial profiling with males family members and friends earlier up in the week, they all shared their experiment and views regarding the issue. They all recall an era in their life where they themselves have been victims of racial profiling or driving while black. One expressed that he was pull over when he was leaving a friend house that happen to be white. The police told him the reason he was pulled over was because he was in the wrong neighborhood and wanted to know why he was there. Another one said that him and some friends was leaving a basketball tournament and was pulled over, and the policemen told them how they looked suspicious and wanted to know where they was coming from and where they going. Another one was pulled over because he was in a luxury car and the policeman believed that the car might have been stolen. These men lived in different cities, but they all had one thing in which were being victims of racial profiling. Neither one received a traffic violation. Some would argue that racial profiling is justifiable because African American males committed more crime than any other racial group in America, and if profiling help decreases the overall crime rate it should be acceptable. Lets take that argument to be true for a moment. What if African Americans males committed more crime than any other racial group does that give law enforcements the right to stop all African Americans males solely because they are African Americans? Does it give them to right to stop anyone because they perceived the person to be up to no good? What type of message, perception, or long-term effect wills that have on African American children especially young males. Does any one even care? According to Lippert-Rasmussen (2006) if it was not for racial profiling 1) There would be more crime against European Americans, 2) African American they would also have more crime committed on them as well. The writer suggests that African Americans are partially responsible for the crime from which they suffer. He also point out again that if racial profiling help reduce the crime rate at any level, that African Americans should gladly accept the small inconveniences that one might suffer. However, the writer does point out the discriminatory practices and the inequality treatment that African American receives and how European Americans are part to blame but are failing in trying to eliminate those practices (Lippert-Rasmussen, 2006). The writer often refers to crime that is committed by African Americans to other African Americans as â€Å"black on black crime. If there is indeed such a thing as â€Å"black on black crime,† then other crime should label â€Å"white on white crime,† and â€Å"Hispanic on Hispanic crime† since every race commit crime upon each other. There will never be a justifiable reason where â€Å"racial profiling† will ever be accepted or where it will help benefit the people who are being targeted. Unless one is African American or an Afr ican American male a person will never know what it is like to be subjected to that type of treatment. They will never know the fear or the embarrassment that comes along with being the target of racism. Racial profiling has never helped anyone in the African American community or has it given African American males any sense of pride about themselves. What it has shown black males is that racism is more prevalent in this society today as it was before the Civil Rights Movement. If whites males were harassed and the target of â€Å"racial profiling,† we would not be discussing this issue today. African American males have for the most part have had a disadvantage in the United States that stemmed back from slavery. Some will agree against that statement and some will agree. Looking at history of this country and the amount of racism that have existed and still existed today it a miracle that the black man is still standing. This country has done any and everything to destroy the black males, and racial profiling is just another deploy to do so. In 1997 research was done in the state of Maryland along Hwy I-95 to see how prevalent racial profiling was. Data showed that during the 21 day of observation that 5,741 stops were made. The findings showed that 17. 5% of those stopped were African Americans, 74. % were whites, and that 5,354 were traffic violators. There were 823 searches conduct of which 80. 3% of those searched were African Americans and 19. 7% were whites. Even though there were more whites stopped during the 21 day observation there were more blacks who had their vehicles searched (Piquero Reitzel, 2006). Why was that? Another case study on racial profiling that was done in New York City off of UF-250 during January 1, 1998 and April 1, 199 9 showed that African American comprised 50% of those stopped even though they are only 25% of the city population. There have been numerous studies that have shown that African Americans are more likely than whites to be stopped, searched, and arrested. The studies also showed that African American males between the ages of 23 and 49 years of ages are 2. 5% more likely than white to receive traffic citation when being stopped than whites (Piquero Reitzel, 2006). Racial profiling is not just limited to traffic stops or within the African American communities. There is also a phrase that is common among African Americans, and that phrase is â€Å"Shopping While Black. Research has shown that African American is 10 times more likely than non-African Americans to be profiled in the retail establishments. A case study in the state of Florida showed that African Americans believed that they were treated unfairly than whites when shopping downtown and at shopping malls (Gabbidon Higgins, 2007). African American know all to often what it is like to be follow around the retail establishments as if they are known criminals. They have become accustomed to receiving poor or no service at all. Everyone has heard of the restaurant chain â€Å"Denny,† where African Americans claimed that they were treated unfairly by receiving poor or no service while trying to dine in their restaurants. African Americans filed a discrimination lawsuit against the chain which led to a multi-million dollar settlement. Other retailers like Dillard’s, Eddie Bauer, Lord and Taylor, and The Children Place has also been charged with engaging in discriminatory practices (Gabbidon Higgins, 2007). In 2000 a study of the shopping experiences of 75 black residents in five African Americans neighborhoods in New York and Philadelphia found that black shoppers felted more comfortable when shopping in neighborhood establishments than outside of their communities. Although, African American males had a different approach on things; they felt they were treated with level of suspicious when shopping. A research was conducted in an Atlanta, GA retail outlet to see what type of people shoplifted. Employees were told to follow shoppers who wore baggy clothes, and those who carried big purses and bags. Of the 1243 observed shoppers only 8. 5% shoplifted. Of those who shoplifted they found that African American and minorities were no more likely to shoplift than whites. The study found that the stereotyping of the African American males has led numerous of retailers to observe them over females and any other racial groups (Gabbidon Higgins, 2007). African Americans males often believe that they were either followed around when shopping or they were often ignored when looking for assistances. After watching a segment of 20-20 that was title â€Å"What Would You Do? They had three white teen male actors acting out in a local park in an exclusive white neighborhood where they were vandalizing a car. When people in the park saw these teens behavior most of them stopped and questioned the teens. Later on they added three African American teens’ actors and put them in a nearby car where they were to pretend to be sleeping. Not one 911 call went out regarding the three white teens doing the vandalizing but a call was made regarding three suspicious African American males sleeping in a park car. Next 20-20 changed the situation and had the three African American males do the vandalizing, and almost immediately 911 calls went out. What these stories and studies show is that this country still has a problem with racism. There is no reason that in 2008 where a person should be singled out harassed, ignored, attacked, followed, or arrested only because their skin is black. Racism should be a thing of the past, but apparently it is here to stay. No one deserves to be followed, harassed, or stopped unjustly because they happen to be African American. What happen to equality, the land of the free? How can people feel free when they are the target of racism, or when they are not free to go wherever they chose without having to explain to law enforcements why they are in this neighborhood or where they are going or where they are leaving. Racial profiling stills exist and people need to realize that racial profiling leaves an everlasting effect on the victims. Racial profiling is an experience they will never forget. References Gabbidon, S. L. , Higgins, G. E. (2007, July 14).

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Stand Your Ground essays

Stand Your Ground essays If a person today is asked to do something that he or she may not like to do and they say no, they may be looked down upon. Not only does this happen today, but it also was true in the early 1900s. It is just not fair when people stand up for what their mind feels is right, such as Atticus does in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, that they are looked down upon and harassed. Atticus tries to teach his children to stand up for what is right throughout the novel. One night Atticus was talking with Jem and said, As you grow older, youll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and dont you forget it-whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash.1 Atticus taught and also practiced what he felt was right. One night while Atticus was guarding the jailhouse where Tom Robinson was staying, a group of men confronted him about the whereabouts of Tom. One of the men said to Atticus, You know what we want...get aside from the door, Mr. Finch (162). Atticus could have just said, ok, Tom is in there go get him, but he wanted to stand up for what he knew was right. That was telling them that he was there ______________________________________________________________________________ 1 Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird (Lippincott, 1960), p. 233. and that he was not going to let the group of men get to Tom so they could kill him. Atticus stands up and says, You can turn around and go home again (162). This was just one of the many times that Atticus, Jem, and also Scout would run across people that felt differently than they did about discrimination and what they would do to stand up to it. The mockingbird in the novel symbolizes innocence. Treating a person bad be ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Examples of Persuasive Essays

Examples of Persuasive Essays Examples of Persuasive Essays Examples of Persuasive Essays Persuasive essay writing is one of the common college works. You must remember that essay writing consists of introduction, main text and conclusion. The structure of the main body depends on what the argumentative persuasive essay topics are asking you to do. In the case of a discussion type essay, the main body should be divided into two parts: one looking at the advantages of the topic and the other looking at the disadvantages. A plan for the first example might look like this: Topic:   Academic qualifications are of little practical benefit in the real world. Essay Introduction: variety of different qualifications; different methods of assessment. Benefits: international standards for professions, e.g. doctors; students have chance to study latest theories; qualifications lead to better salaries and promotion. Drawbacks: many successful people don't have qualifications; many qualified people don't have jobs. Essay Conclusion: qualifications are useful but are not the guarantees of success. Writing Persuasive Essay Effective note-making is a key persuasive essay writing skill with a number of practical uses. Good note-making techniques lead to accurate essays. Although you are the only person who will read your notes, clarity and organization are still very important. Pay attention to headings, listings, abbreviations ('N/S') and symbols. You need to develop your own style for note-making, as you will have to read your notes later. Do not abbreviate too much or you may find the notes impossible to understand in the future. Writing an Essay Paraphrasing involves changing a text of your English essays writing.   This skill is useful in academic essays writing. Effective paraphrasing is vital for college essays writing as it helps to avoid the risk of plagiarizing. Although paraphrasing techniques are used for summary writing, paraphrasing does not aim to shorten the length of a text. For example: Evidence of a lost civilization has been found on the coast of China. Could be paraphrased as:  Remains of an ancient society have been discovered near the coastal China. .com If persuasive essay writing is a challenging task for you, you are welcome to order custom persuasive essay writing help at our site.   We guarantee timely delivery and grant you the right to request unlimited number of revisions.   We offer the best prices!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Operation management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Operation management - Essay Example At this point, it is good to elaborate some combined leadership and management activities in an operation, such as choosing a job design and work measurement. Managing people is an operation concept that is required to be established in every organization aimed at achieving competitive advantage, especially in today’s tough competition in industry. Apple Incorporated has successfully created its market share not just because of considering other important operational moves, marketing initiatives, good financial performance, but most primarily on how it handles its human resource particularly on managing people. Apple is not only good at creating innovative products for its product differentiation strategy, but also at its ability to managing or leading people, with close details on setting tasks, responsibilities, work performance, work conditions and general skills. Based on the research paper done about Apple, being good at its management function activity, the Apple Incorpo rated in its actual practice always integrates its initiatives to consider people skills and their ability to create highly innovative products. ... has given the job description especially in the product research and manufacturing department to create a significant product design that must be something new in the market. At this point, it should not be impossible for Apple to establish a promising market for smartphones and other products, as it strongly believes the potential of its human resource to formulate the finest products in its industry. This is due to the fact that the company is not only good at creating needs for its offerings; it also ensures that the job description of its human resource fits to its actual strategy of product differentiation. Now, it is, therefore, important that Apple must have substantially managed how it sets tasks for its human resource. Setting tasks requires careful implementation of systematic process of achieving immediate goals and objectives. After all, this should have high link with certain level of responsibilities. On the other hand, considering the fact that Apple wants to lead in i ts industry, implementing a high quality performance within its human resource is not just an obligation that everyone must come to realize, but an actual requirement for the company’s competitive edge. Now that everyone at Apple has specialized skills, the more the human resource will obtain a high opportunity for increase productivity, as the company continues to look forward to advance in the market by creating a need for its new innovative product offerings. Finally, setting tasks, responsibilities, work performances, work conditions and others are not just the actual activities Apple Incorporated must initiate. Another important function that it must establish under its ability to cope with change and complexities is the actual work measurement. As a company trying to lead in its

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Past Present and Future of Veterans Health Care Research Paper

The Past Present and Future of Veterans Health Care - Research Paper Example While the benefit is one not enjoyed by all Americans, the veterans' health care system has had its difficulties in providing good health care for those afforded the privilege. In the past there has been many issues with the cleanliness and availability of the services that had been promised. In addition, the issue of veterans' of heath care benefits is often up for both media and political review, threatening the whole system. However, there is evidence to show that the VA health care system is the finest in the United States and with better funding should serve as an example of how government run health care can save an inadequate health care system through privatizing. The biggest problem within the VA is that it is under funded. In a world where volunteering for service is not top on the career moves of most young men and where the draft is no longer being used, maintaining a health care system for those who have dutifully served and may need continuing care afterward is the one of the few ways in which men and women of the service are given proper acknowledgement for the gift that they given to their country. Overview The need for a better health care system for all citizens points to the need for a more approachable system of health care for those in military service. The health care that is provided for veterans' is defined by an as needed basis, but in remembering the nature of illness, one must remember that to wait to get service is to continue to suffer without care. Many appointments are not available for as long as a year, in which the medical issue can be expanded and then require more care than was originally needed had the patient been able to receive care at an earlier time (Gayton & Borden, 2008, p. 7). One advantage to the system is that it is also based on income so that those who have the complication of low income with medical needs can be seen sooner than those with resources from outside of the VA. History Throughout the history of the U nited States, medical benefits have been supported by the government for those who have fought in the service of the country. After the American Revolution, hospitals were erected by the government to treat soldiers in need of care after fighting for the right to be a country. In 1930, the government formalized veterans' benefits so that law could govern the care of soldiers. The unfortunate history of VA health care benefits is defined by a shortage of resources in which to service all of those who are in need. In 1930 there were 45 veterans' hospitals with 54 regional offices, but by 1948, after the end of World War II there were 125 hospitals with 102,200 beds, but there were still 20,700 soldiers in need of admission, but without the beds to service them (Gayton & Borden, 2008, p. 7). Background Current eligibility for veterans' health care benefits are based upon the: serving in military, navel or air service and being honorably discharged or having been a reservist who was cal led to active duty and completed the full call-up period. If not, one of the following might be true: the soldier was discharged or separated for medical reasons, the soldier served in combat operations within the last five years, the soldier had a non-pre-existing disability, the soldier was a prisoner of war, received a purple heart, was previously eligible for VA benefits, or receives state Medicaid benefits. After these qualifications are investigated other criteria might be used to situationally determine whether or not benefits are applicable (United States Department of Veteran Affairs, 2011).1 The highest priority for eligibility are those who have

Saturday, November 16, 2019

African religion Essay Example for Free

African religion Essay Religion is being described as the belief in a supernatural power considered as creator and governor of the universe. The indigenous African people honored a superior being before the recording of history. They practiced voodoos, witchcraft, black magic, obyah and oledamare. The foundation of African traditional religion is faith based upon dogmatism. They have the kind of faith that does not require any evidence. The African traditional religion has great belief in the presence of spirits. Spirits, for the ancient African people, may be found in people, trees, animals, rivers, rocks, and mountains, and also in automobiles. The Africans loathe crimes such as adultery, stealing, cheating, and suicide. The Africans believe that these spirits convey their wishes, demands and instructions to other people through the traditional priests. These priests perform rituals to the satisfaction of their clients who turn to them for the interpretation of the spirit’s message. In Africa, there is a ritual performed for every event which are held through a dance, music or art that have been transformed into many forms. Yes, Africans do have their religion which actually centers on God just like Christians do. God is being perceived as the source of life and the creator of everything. For the Africans, creation is the sole work of God and there’s no other explanation for creation other than this. God is viewed as the omnipotent, the everlasting, ever faithful and the most merciful Father. Symbols also play an important part in the African society. These are conveyd into the religious sphere to build a strong connection between the unseen spirits and the living. We see these symbols on walls or printed on the clothes worn by the traditional priests and other people who wish to express their mood through any of these symbols. Source: Aderibigbe G. , African religion and Christianity in dialogue: an appraisal from the African perspective, Africana Marburgensia 32 (1999),

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Racial Struggle of Afro-Cubans Essays -- Race Ethnicity Discrimina

The Racial Struggle of Afro-Cubans Introduction Afro-Cubans struggled to no avail for racial equality between the years 1886-1912. The slaughter of protesting blacks in 1912 shows that the battle cries for equality of Antonio Maceo and Josà © Martà © during the war for independence had dissolved. What was left was a unequal Cuban society, divided racially and fearing a black revolution. Aline Helg speaks directly to this issue in her book Our Rightful Share: The Afro-Cuban Struggle for Equality, 1886-1912. The aforementioned period was one in which the nation’s formation was taking place, thus the unsuccessful attempt at equality has left difficult remnants of racial inequality buried deeply in the fabric of the nation. The Unique Cuban Situation According to Aline Helg In discussing the experience of blacks in Cuba between 1886-1912, Helg gives six "Cuban particularities" which made the experience what it was. She first mentions how Cuba’s racial construct strayed from the norm in Latin America and the Caribbean. Cuba had a two-tier racial system where the group of "others" did not differentiate between mulattoes and blacks. In the other Latin American and Caribbean societies, multi-tier racial systems existed where the stratifications were numerous. Helg suggests that the joining of all blacks and mulattoes into one group may have stemmed from the Conspiracy of La Escalera in 1844, in which both free blacks and slaves were accused of plotting an insurrection against the white Spanish domination. Helg is also quick to point out the differences between the two-tier racial system in the United States, and that of Cuba. In Cuba, the distinction is made by visible physical differences, whereas the United States racial line is... ...from el Oriente initiated everything with their rebellion. It is an important distinction to make I think, because it not only places the blame where the blame belongs, but it also highlights the idea that racial myths put Afro-Cubans in a no-win situation. The lack of further open protest after the massacre of 1912 showed the sense that more protest would only lead to more extensive repression. Similar to the punishment of slave resistance before abolition, the punishment inflicted upon the Afro-Cubans in 1912 showed the Afro-Cubans were still to be considered lesser and somehow less human (Helg 1995, p. 241). These inequalities have reached as far as today, with remnants of racial inequality easily visible in the disproportionate number of Afro-Cubans in high ranking positions in society. Afro-Cubans yearned and continue to yearn to attain their "rightful share".

Monday, November 11, 2019

Can Personality Be Changed Essay

The paper is very well conducted in my opinion because hey have looked at the in-between part of personality by examining acquired and changeable beliefs. They have seen that they underlie many patterns of adaptive functioning, and that they have unique implications for understanding personality development and personality change. There are a few different things that we have learned so far that support Dwecks argument. In chapter 3 page 42, it talks about Moral Development and how it changes the ability to decide what’s right and what’s wrong. When someone has to make decisions they go by what’s best for them and the way they chose what’s best or them is by what their personality can handle. In chapter 3 page 43 it says that in adolescence they go through physiological changes where the conflict with parents increase, they have mood swings, depressions becomes a factor, they encounter rule breaking behavior, and their peers become important. So during that age period is when the peers have a big influence on a teenager’s personality. Although there are many thing that I have learned that supports Dwecks argument there are also things that contradict her argument. On page 42 chapter 3 it states that people ages 12 and bove are capable of abstract thinking, comparing and classifying ideas, and thinking about future possibilities. So in those ages they tend to have a mind of their own and are less influenced by the people they are around. On august 7, 2010 they did a study on how personality is genetically enhanced. So with personality being passed down genetically it’s always in your genes and that it will be a part of you forever. If personality can be changed then how can it be in your genes? Personality is a personal trait that developed by your personal behaviors and utlooks on things. I personally like this article because I can relate to it. Being a teenager myself I notice how peers can have the biggest impact on how I may feel sometimes or may want to respond to certain situations. I also know that some people change around the different groups they hang around with. I know that the way people may act or boss, or parents. I personally don’t agree with the article that personality can be changed I think your personality can’t change I feel that you Just grow to be more mature and can determine what’s right and what wrong.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Festivals of India Essay

The holiday celebrates the conclusion of the 29 or 30 days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadan. The day of Eid, therefore, falls on the first day of the month of Shawwal. Christmas (Old English: Cristesm? sse, meaning â€Å"Christ’s Mass†) is an annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ and a widely observedholiday, celebrated generally on December 25 by millions of people around the world. A feast central to the Christian liturgical year, it closes the Advent season and initiates the twelve days of Christmastide, which ends after the twelfth night. Christmas is a civil holiday in many of the world’s nations, is celebrated by an increasing number of non-Christians, and is an integral part of the Christmas and holiday season. Makar Sankranti is one of the most auspicious occasions for the Hindus, and is celebrated in almost all parts of India in a myriad of cultural forms, with great devotion, fervour, and gaiety. It is a harvest festival. Makar Sankranti is perhaps the only Indian festival whose date always falls on the same day every year: 14 January, with some exceptions, when the festival is celebrated on 13 January or 15 January. Makar Sankranti is also believed to mark the arrival of spring in India. The Dasara festivities began with the Vijayanagar kings as early as the 15th Century. A Persian ambassador, Abdur Razzaq, reported the Dasara observance (originally Mahanavami) in Vijayanagara during his mission to India in his book entitled Matla-us-Sadain wa Majma-ul-Bahrain (The Rise of the Two auspicious constellations and the Confluence of the Two Oceans), a major work which contained an overview of the history of this part of the world from 1304 to 1470. After the fall of the Vijayanagar kingdom, the Wodeyars of Mysore continued the Dasara Festival, initially by Raja Wodeyar I (1578-1617 CE) in the year 1610 atSrirangapatna. The Mysore Palace is illuminated on all the 10 days of Dasara. The word Navaratri literally means nine nights in Sanskrit, nava meaning nine and ratri meaning nights. During these nine ights and ten days, nine forms of Shakti/Devi are worshiped. The tenth day is commonly referred to as Vijayadashami or â€Å"Dussehra. † Navratri is a very important and major festival in the western states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Karnataka during which the traditional dance of Gujarat called â€Å"Garba† is widely performed. This festival is celebrated with great zeal in North India as well, including Bihar, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh and the northern state of Punjab. Rakhi is a festival that is dedicated entirely to celebrate and appreciate the love and affection that exist between a beautiful relationship between a brother and a sister. There are so many festivals in India but Rakhi is one that everyone across the country awaits for. On this day sisters tie a ‘Rakhi’ which is a decorated thread on to their brother’s hand and pray for their long life. Brothers, in turn, give their sisters gifts and vow that they will protect and care for them. Thus all brothers and sisters across all the religions celebrate this day with great enthusiasm.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Locke And Hobbes Essays - Libertarian Theory, John Locke

Locke And Hobbes Essays - Libertarian Theory, John Locke Locke And Hobbes Hobbes point of view on human nature and how a government should be run is a more realistic way of looking at things than John Lockes theory. Both Hobbes and Locke see human nature differently, Hobbes sees people as being run by selfishness whereas Locke says that people are naturally kind. In our state of nature, Hobbes says we have no rights but Locke suggests that we have natural rights, God-given rights. Using reason, people decide to enter into a social contract with a ruler or a form of government, which would make a trade that, would help both of the parties. They both argue that the ruler can go too far or not fulfill their part of the contract, giving the people the right to revolt. Hobbes shows that humans are naturally evil that lays down the groundwork for his form of government. Hobbes and Lockes theories differ greatly beginning with their views of human nature. Hobbes suggests that people are naturally, solitary, poor, nasty, and brutish. He also says that without authority mankind is selfish and egotistical. John Locke, on the other hand, sees people as being peaceful in their nature state. These different points of show how they formed their theory of the state of nature. Without a government people are put into their state of nature, Hobbes and Locke both picture a different scene when they express human state of nature. Hobbes states that the condition of people before government was short, solitary, poor, brutish, and disorderly. But John Locke shows a different point of view, he notes three rights that are God-given and inalienable, these three are life, liberty, and property. Knowing what people do and don't have the right to relates to how the government should rule their subjects. A social contract is an agreement between the people and the government in order to preserve order. Hobbes sees the government or ruler as a powerful sovereign. He named it Leviathan, which is the name of a giant sea serpent in the Old Testament that supposedly battled Yahweh. The people must trade their rights, power, and their desire to dominate in order to receive protection. This special type of protection punishes those who break the contract. Under Lockes theory, the ruler must protect the peoples natural rights and the people must give up their power to rule each other. The governments job is to keep the people happy by not overstepping their boundary. Hobbes and Locke both agree on the fact that there is a point in time that it is not only the right but also the responsibility of the people to overthrow the government. The government must be stable in order to follow through on their side of the contract or they are bringing a revolt upon themselves. Hobbes says that the Leviathan must be taken out of power when he fails to fulfill his side of the contract. Under Lockes rules, the government must be overthrown when any of the peoples three God-given rights are taken away or lost. After viewing why a government should or would be overthrown we can look at Hobbes and Lockes theorys overall. Hobbes theory is a pessimistic look at human being and the way they act around each other but Lockes theory suggests that people are more easy-going and peaceful towards each other. As we see in the news daily, people are often cruel and inhumane, and we also see kinder people in everyday life. We see people who give up their own personal pleasure so they can serve others. But these people are far and few between, it becomes quickly obvious that humans are drawn towards self-happiness. A morally pure person would look at their neighbor and think, what can I do to help him? whereas the more realistic perspective would be, what would make me happy right now? Hobbes form of government uses the natural state of man to create a way of living that would help everyone, so you can feel safe in a usually non-safe environment. Bibliography none needed, sorry

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Eichmann Trial

The Eichmann Trial After being found and captured in Argentina, Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann, known as the architect of the Final Solution, was put on trial in Israel in 1961. Eichmann was found guilty and sentenced to death. At midnight between May 31 and June 1, 1962, Eichmann was executed by hanging. The Capture of Eichmann At the end of World War II, Adolf Eichmann, like many top Nazi leaders, attempted to flee defeated Germany. After hiding in various locations within Europe and the Middle East, Eichmann eventually managed to escape to Argentina, where he lived for a number of years with his family under an assumed name. In the years after World War II, Eichmann, whose name had come up numerous times during the Nuremberg Trials, had become one of the most wanted Nazi war criminals. Unfortunately, for many years, no one knew where in the world Eichmann was hiding. Then, in 1957, the Mossad (the Israeli secret service) received a tip: Eichmann may be living in Buenos Aires, Argentina. After several years of unsuccessful searches, Mossad received another tip: Eichmann was most likely living under the name of Ricardo Klement. This time, a team of secret Mossad agents was sent to Argentina to find Eichmann. On March 21, 1960, the agents had not only found Klement, they were certain he was the Eichmann they had been hunting for years. On May 11, 1960, the Mossad agents captured Eichmann while he was walking from a bus stop to his home. They then took Eichmann to a secret location until they were able to smuggle him out of Argentina nine days later. On May 23, 1960, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion made the surprise announcement to the Knesset (Israels parliament) that Adolf Eichmann was under arrest in Israel and was soon to be put on trial. The Trial of Eichmann Adolf Eichmanns trial began on April 11, 1961 in Jerusalem, Israel. Eichmann was charged with 15 counts of crimes against the Jewish people, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and membership in a hostile organization. Specifically, the charges accused Eichmann of being responsible for the enslavement, starvation, persecution, transportation and murder of millions of Jews as well as the deportation of hundreds of thousands of Poles and Gypsies. The trial was to be a showcase of the horrors of the Holocaust. Press from around the world followed the details, which helped educate the world about what really happened under the Third Reich. As Eichmann sat behind a specially made bullet-proof glass cage, 112 witnesses told their story, in specific detail, of the horrors they experienced. This, plus 1,600 documents recording the implementation of the Final Solution were submitted against Eichmann. Eichmanns main line of defense was that he was just following orders and that he just played a small role in the killing process. Three judges heard the evidence. The world waited for their decision. The court found Eichmann guilty on all 15 counts and on December 15, 1961 sentenced Eichmann to death. Eichmann appealed the verdict to Israels supreme court but on May 29, 1962 his appeal was rejected. Near midnight between May 31 and June 1, 1962, Eichmann was executed by hanging. His body was then cremated and his ashes scattered at sea.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Wealth and Industrial Attractiveness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Wealth and Industrial Attractiveness - Essay Example This is followed by acquiring valuable materials. However, majority of the people makes wealth through coming up with a budget and different estimates of what they want to acquire and setting up a plan to achieve it. For instance, they come up with a budget on how to develop a concept and sell it to other people for money. After getting money, they diversify their investments in order to reduce the risks and uncertainties associated with inventing in one sector. With time these people are able to acquire valuable materials. Business environment is critical in the success of any business. Economic, social, political, environmental, legal, and technological components dictate how the customers, local administration, and the business interact. This is through creating a platform for the business to make profits without interference from external forces. Therefore, these components can be useful in acting as parameters to measure whether an investment in the industry can return the initial capital and make profits which are